CBSE Affiliation No-2131127
Divya Nagar, Khorabar Gorakhpur
Divya Nagar, Khorabar Gorakhpur

Admission Open

Call Us +91-9935179149

Recommendations To Parents

  • Parents are expected to co-operate with the School authorities in enforcing regularity and J discipline, to see that their children prepare their lessons and to take an active interest in all I activities of the School.
  • Occasional reports and recommendations from the teachers and the Principal are made in the School Diary. Parents are requested to sign them. Failure or refusal to do so may put the child to great inconvenience.
  • Parents, guardians or tutors are not permitted to visit the classes or meet the teachers without the prior sanction of the Principal.
  • Private tutions by out teachers of our students are NOT permitted under any circumstances.
  • Parents are requested not to send for or call away their children during class hours; in case of emergency permission must be sought in writing, absence recorded in the School Diary and signed by the parents.
  • Woollen coats, cardigans, pull-over, shoes, tiffin boxes and bag must bear the names of the owner. The School will not be responsible if they are lost.
  • Parents should arrange to take their children home Within 15 minutes after the School is over, The School will not be responsible it the children are not fetched within 15 minutes.
  • Parents are most welcome to see the Principal or the Headmistress in their offices only on any week day with prior appointment.
  • An application from the parents for leave of absence must be sent in advance, or the latest within a week. Absence without leave will lead to "striking off' the name of the absentee from the rolls at the end of the month.
  • Parents who do not abide by the rules and regulations of the School as agreed at the time of admission will be requested to withdraw their wards.
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