School Uniform
Summer Uniform
1. (a) Boys:
(i) full sleeved Sky-blue lining white shirt and Navy-Blue Full pants from vi on word with School logo.
(ii) Full sleeved Sky-blue lining white shirt and Navy-Blue Full pants From Nursery to class V –with school logo.
(b) Girls:
(i) full sleeved Sky-blue lining white shirt and navy- blue V neck tunic ( v) School logo.
(ii) Full sleeved Sky-blue and half sleeved sky blue lining white blouse from vionwards School logo.
2. Black shoes and sky- blue striped white socks.
3. Black ribbon / Black hair- band.
4. Navy-blue belt with school Monogram and tie.
Winter Uniform
(a) Boys:
Navy-blue full pants for all classes.
Navy-blue (V neck) woolen Pullover from Nursery to U.K.G
Navy-blue woolen Pullover(V neck) and blazer from 1st onward.
(b) Girls:
Navy-blue stoking.
Navy-blue tunic with school logo.
Navy-blue woolen Pullover (V neck) or blazer from nursery to U.K.G.
Navy-blue Pullover (V neck) or blazer from 1st onward.
Navy-blue skirt from VI onwards.
Dress on Wednesday.
(a) Boys: White Full/half sleeves shirt and white half pants/full pants
(b) Girls:
(i) Full/half sleeved white shirt and white tunic (Nursery to V)
(ii) White skirt and white full/half sleeved blouse from VI onward
2. White canvas shoes with shoes with white socks, white stocking (in winter) for girls.
Tuition fee will be charged for twelve months a year.
Monthlyfee will be depositedquarterly as APRIL, JULY, OCTOBER and JANUARY in the school office.
In case of non-pay mean of prescribed fee within the fixed time a fine of 100/- will be charges till 30thof the month. After a fine of 200/- will be charged in next month.
If the fees remain unpaid beyond two months, the name of the student will be struck of the rolls and the student may be re-admission at the discretion of the principal on payment of all arrears and re-admission fee.
Transfer Certificate on withdrawal are issued only after all dues to the school have been cleared.
No reduction in any fees will be made for continued absence on any ground.
Duplicate Transfer Certificate are not issued.